Test fodder

Over the years, I have made use of various iconic names and characters in the test fodder I need to make up. I decided finally to begin writing them down so as not to forget the particulars when I need them.

Family names First name Other names Birth Street address Municipality State Zipcode
Munster Herman 31 October 1835 1313 Mockingbird Lane Mockingbird Heights California 90210
Munster Lily 1 April 1827 1313 Mockingbird Lane Mockingbird Heights California 90210
Dracula Vladimir Count of Transylvania, Grandpa 3 February 1588 1313 Mockingbird Lane Mockingbird Heights California 90210
Munster Eddie 1 March 1954 1313 Mockingbird Lane Mockingbird Heights California 90210
Munster Marilyn 15 August 1936 1313 Mockingbird Lane Mockingbird Heights California 90210
Yokum Abner L'il Abner Dogpatch Arkansas
Yokum Daisy Mae Dogpatch Arkansas
the Lion Snagglepuss 15 August 1959 3400 Cahuenga Boulevard West Los Angeles California 90068

Any time I have needed facilities for the above, I have used

I have mined other fodder, with less specific details, mostly for names like: