Copyright ©May 2008
Russell Bateman and
Etretat Logiciels, LLC

Permission is granted for any derivational use. You are forbidden only to repost the files of the tutorial and project without express permission of the author.


Tutorial: Using NetBeans with JDK 6 and Apache Tomcat

Click here to see my tutorial or notes on JavaServer Faces (JSF)


As promised, I installed NetBeans this morning to try it out. I spent a couple of hours doing nothing useful like looking for the all-important vi/vim mode additions to the editor (an important religious duty I could not in good conscience neglect) and tailoring the editor for the way I like to indent, space, put down braces, etc. (Yet another religious duty, I know.) I generally got the feel for the environment. There are things that aren't as good as Eclipse when it comes to performing the tailoring, but the jVi plug-in is way more stable than Eclipse's plug-in (for which I paid $20 a few years ago; jVi is free).

In short, I screwed around a lot.

However, when it came to the important experiment, that of implementing in NetBeans my existing, very lengthy Eclipse Web Tools Platform tutorial written laboriously for Eclipse beginners (, I spent maybe 10 minutes copying and pasting my source code from the Eclipse development workspace and, once I figured out how to launch things (another 2 minutes of playing around with the deployment file, web.xml), it worked right off.

So, in the following two paragraphs, I'm going to re-write my very long (over 2,000 lines) web apps tutorial for you...


Welcome to my tutorial on how to write a servlet using NetBeans, JDK 6 and Tomcat 6. Pay very close attention to the following page. Do what it says and you can't miss. It's a tiny percentage in length of my Eclipse tutorial counterpart.

Russell Bateman