Python Tomboy Notes

Russell Bateman
last update:

Each of these is a Tomboy note. Tomboy is
a PostIt™ or a Windows Sticky Note
but on Linux.

String operations
List operations
Dictionary operations
Load module
tempfile example
Unit testing
Argument parsing
time_t in Python
SQL with SQLAlchemy
SAX Parser Sample
Regular expressions

Python string operations
# String is empty or not
if string:
  print 'String not empty'
elif not string:
  print 'String is empty'

# Trim white space from beginning or end of string

# Truncate string
string = 'cats and dogs'
firstHalf  = string[ :4 ]                  # after column 4 ('cats')
secondHalf = string[ 4: ]                  # up to column 4 (' and dogs')

pos = string.find( 'x' )
string[ 0:pos+1 ]                          # after first 'x'

# Snip string
string[ 5: ]                               # lose up to column 5
string[  :-2 ]                             # lose last two characters

# Split string on character(s)
string = 'This=is=a=test'
stringList = string.split( '=' )
stringList = [ 'This', 'is', 'a', 'test' ]

# Strip file extension
import os.path
name, extension = os.path.splitext( filename )
ext = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 0 ]    # get extension

# Match beginning or end of string
string.startswith( 'match' )
string.endswith( 'match' )

# Find match in string
match in string:

# Java StringBuilder-like assembly
from cStringIO import StringIO
buffer = StringIO()
print >> buffer, 'This is %s string builder' % 'the best'
print >> buffer, ' of all time!'
print >> buffer, string
result = buffer.getvalue()

# Find match from beginning or end of string
string.find( match )
string.rfind( match )

# Prepend string to beginning
result = prefix +  string

# Convert number to string
result = prefix +  string

# Ensure string is numeric

# Make list from CSV string
list = string.split( ',' )

# Make CSV string from list
list = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
stringList = ', '.join( list )

Python list operations
An array in Python is called a list, but that the identifier list is reserved.

array[ '1', '2', ... 'N' ]

# definition/initialization
array = []

# ontology
element in array

# position in array
position = array.index( element )

# assignment
array[ element ] = newelement

# adding
array.append( element )

# deleting
del array[ position ]

# traversal, [...] denoting optional functionality below
for element in array:
    print element
for index[, element] in range( len( array ) ):
    print index[, element]

Python dictionary operations
A hashmap is called a dictionary. dict is a reserved keyword.

dictionary[ 'key1' : 'value', 'key2' : 'value', ... 'keyN' : 'value' ]

# definition/initialization
dictionary = {}

# ontology
key in dictionary

# assignment
dictionary[ key ] = newvalue

# adding/creating
dictionary[ newkey ] = value

# deleting
del dictionary[ key ]
dictionary.pop( key )

# traversal
for key in dictionary:
    print key, dictionary[ key ]

Python tuples
t1      = ()
red     = ( 'red', )     # trick to get a single value
classes = ( 'physics', 'chemistry', 1997,  2000 )
mix     = red + classes
stuff   = [ 'this', 'that', 'and', 'the', 'other' ]
a       = ( 1, 2, 3 )
b       = a + ( 4, 5, 6 )
options = ()

cmp( t1, t2 )
len( t )
max( t )
min( t )
tuple( list )          # tuple from list
list( tuple )          # list from tuple

>>> classes[ 1 ]

>>> mix
('red', 'physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000)

>>> list( mix )
['red', 'physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]

>>> tuple( stuff )
('this', 'that', 'and', 'the', 'other')

>>> b
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

>>> options += ( '--all', )
>>> options
>>> options += ( '--xpath', )
>>> options
('--all', '--xpath')

Python JSON
jsonDict   = json.load ( fp )           # —load dictionary from opened file
jsonDict   = json.loads( jsonString )   # —load dictionary from string
             json.dump ( fp, jsonDict ) # —dump dictionary to opened file
jsonString = json.dumps( jsonDict )     # —dump dictionary to string

Python traceback
  do something
  import traceback

Sample code

import json

def doPoop():
  fp = open( 'file' )
  json.load( fp )

def doDoPoop():
  except Exception as e:
    import traceback
    print( '* * * * * * * * * * * *' )
    print( e )
    print( '* * * * * * * * * * * *' )
    tb = traceback.print_exc()
    print( '* * * * * * * * * * * *' )
    print( traceback.format_exc() )
    print( '* * * * * * * * * * * *' )


* * * * * * * * * * * *
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'file'
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in 
  File "", line 4, in doPoop
    fp = open( 'file' )
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'file'

Python load module
def loadModule( path ):
    name, extension = os.path.splitext( os.path.split( path ) [ -1 ] )
    module = imp.load_source( name, path )
    return module

Python tempfile example
import os
import tempfile

( fd, path ) = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write( fd, something )
os.close( fd )
# make use of the file then, ....
os.remove( path )

Python unit testing
import unittest

PRINT = True

class MyTestSuite(unittest.TestCase):
  def setUpClass( SetsTest ):

  def tearDownClass( SetsTest ):

  def setUp( self ):

  def tearDown( self ):

  @unittest.skip( "skipping" )
  def testCase( self ):

def printOrNot( thing ):
    if PRINT and thing:
        print thing

def printTestCaseName( functionName ):
    if PRINT:
        print 'Running test case %s...' % functionName

if __name__ == "__main__":

# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:

Python argument parsing
Command line --zoo keeper --ticket cat dog mouse

Output (what will be in args)
Namespace(ticket=True, filenames=['cat', 'dog', 'mouse'], zoo='keeper')

import argparse

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Parse arguments' )
  parser.add_argument( 'filenames', nargs='*' )           # multiple arguments
  parser.add_argument( '--zoo' )                          # prompting ( +argument)
  parser.add_argument( '--ticket', action='store_true' )  # ontological
  args = parser.parse_args()
  print( args )
except Exception as e:
  print( 'Oops: %s' % str( e ) )

Handy function
def optionPresent( args, option ):
    return option in args and args[ option ]

time_t in Python
>>> import time
>>> epochTime = 19320924
>>> gmTime    = time.gmtime( 19320924 )
>>> time.strftime( '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', gmTime )
'08/12/1970 14:55:24'

Python SQL with SQLAlchemy

(See SQL equivalents on the right hand.)

DATABASE_PATH = 'mysql:///database.db'

# getting started...
Engine        = sqlalchemy.create_engine( DATABASE_PATH )
DBSession     = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker( bind=Engine )
Session       = DBSession()
Session.bind  = Engine

# insert object; ObjectClass has a tablename...
object = ObjectClass( __init__()'s arguments )
and/or fill out object
Session.add( object )                              INSERT INTO tablename ( fields... )
Session.commit()                                   VALUES( values... );

# query one (first) object...
qo = Session.query( ObjectClass )                  SELECT * from tablename
qf = qo.filter( ObjectClass.field == fieldvalue )  WHERE field = fieldvalue;
return qf.first()

# query multiple (list of matching) objects...
qo = Session.query( ObjectClass )                  SELECT * from tablename
qf = qo.filter( ObjectClass.field == fieldvalue )  WHERE field = fieldvalue;
return qf

SAX Parser Sample
import xml.sax

def getResult():
  result         = httpclient.get( uri )
  payload        =
  resultIdParser = CqPostResponsePayload()
    xml.sax.parseString( payload, resultIdParser )
  except Exception as e:
    print e.message
  return resultIdParser.getResultId()

class CqPostResponsePayload( xml.sax.ContentHandler ):
  Parse response payload, looks something like:
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><result_id>fWkcTS1a</result_id>
  def __init__( self ):
    self.result = StringIO()
    self.resultIdCharacters = ''
  def getResultId( self ):
    return self.result.getvalue().lstrip().rstrip()
  def startElement( self, tag, attributes=None ):
    if tag == 'result_id':
      self.resultIdCharacters = ''
  def endElement( self, tag ):
    if tag == 'result_id':
       # tie off the result_id...
      print >> self.result, self.resultIdCharacters
  def characters(self, content ):
    self.resultIdCharacters += content
def getValueOfTotalAttribute( line ):
    ''' Just the attributes. '''
    parser = HitsTagElementParser()
        xml.sax.parseString( line, parser )
    except Exception as e:
        print e.message
        return 0
    attributes = parser.getAttributes()
    return attributes

class HitsTagElementParser( xml.sax.ContentHandler ):
    def __init__( self ):
        self.attributes = {}
    def getAttributes( self ):
        return self.attributes
    def startElement( self, tag, attributes=None ):
        if tag != 'our-tag':
        self.attributes = attributes
    def endElement( self, tag ):
        ''' We'll never hit this! '''
    def characters( self, content ):
        ''' We're uninterested in this. '''

File I/O
 # Print lines...
  with open( pathname, 'r' ) as f:
    for line in f:
      print line
  #f.close()   --unnecessary since the with clause closes the file
expect Exception as e:
  print( 'I/O operation failed: %s' % e )

Regular Expressions
\d digits
\D nondigits
\w alphanumeric
\W nonalphanumeric
\s whitespace
\S nonwhitespace
\b boundary between word and nonword

\0 whole enchilada
\1 first pattern
\2 second pattern

   —matches any (American) decimal number, signed, unsigned, with or
     without decimal point, with or without commas, with or without exponent.

   —matches any 10-digit telephone number including with a 1 in front,
     whether separated by -, (), spaces or no.

   —isolates an HTML element name.

   —matches image filenames in a listing.

   —matches e-mail addresses up to and including things like
      [email protected].